
Technology & business for life & change

Posts Tagged ‘location

– Idea Roulette – Mobbo: Where is Everybody?

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Mobbo Android App Engine Banner

No, this is not yet another vague headline nor any sort of developer-optimistic timeline planning. Rather the goal is to show how to take advantage of App Engine to make the difference in situations where there’s scarcity on resources, especially in the are of system administration and backend infrastructure, so that all of you, the doers, creators, inventors but even also the small agencies, start-ups or any other kind of company who struggles with infrastructure at the very beginning, can invest your resources on just thinking about solving specific issues of your project and nothing else.

Our Next Big Thing – Shh It’s a Secret

I’m not wanting to let you down here, therefore we’ll choose a decent candidate for “our next big thing” risen the circumstances. We’ll call it Mobbo and it’s about knowing where big groups of people are within of your surroundings, so that you can decide to join or avoid them. Note the variety of situations where this applies: crowded routes in traffic, night life trends, shopping, getting to know special events, etc. Sure, we are all extremely concerned about privacy these days, that’s why we’ll just gather coarse, anonymous and randomized location information about the users who use/contribute to our app. Remember that we only need to know where big masses of people are, that means that we can obviate the exact location for any specific individual. It’ll be like building a very high tower in the middle of every city and letting people climb up to see how things look like from there. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by joseluisugia

11, August.2014 at 18:04